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Discourse Setup

Mailjet Instructions

  1. Go to Mailjet and get an SMTP setting for your forum

DigitalOcean Deployment

  1. Create DigitalOcean account
  2. From Marketplace, select "Discourse"
  3. Choose a plan:

    • Basic droplet
    • Any region
    • Add SSH key for secure access
  4. Configure domain/subdomain:

Discourse Configuration

  1. Access admin panel:

  2. Generate API credentials:

  3. Navigate to API settings
  4. Create new API key
  5. Note down:

    • API Key
    • API Username
    • API URL
  6. Configure SSO Settings:

    • Enable invite only: All new users must be explicitly invited by trusted users or staff
    • Enable login required: Require authentication to read content, disallow anonymous access
    • Enable local logins: Allow username and password login based accounts
    • Enable local login via email: Allow users to request one-click login links via email
    • Enable persistent sessions: Users will remain logged in when the web browser is closed
    • Set maximum session age: 12 hours since last visit
    • Enable DiscourseConnect (formerly 'Discourse SSO'): This must be enabled for SSO integration
    • Configure DiscourseConnect URL: Set to your application's SSO endpoint (e.g., https://your-app-url/_/api/discourse-sso)
    • Set DiscourseConnect secret: Create a secure secret string (minimum 10 characters)
    • Enable verbose DiscourseConnect logging: Log detailed SSO diagnostics to /logs
    • Enable auth overrides email: Override local email with external site email on every login
    • Do not enable:
      • Must approve users
      • Auth overrides username
      • Auth overrides name
      • Discourse connect overrides groups
      • Discourse connect overrides bio
      • Discourse connect overrides avatar
      • Discourse connect overrides profile background
      • Hide email address taken
      • Log out strict
  7. Configure the API settings by going to Admin > API

    • Create an API key, save it for entering it in your Anvil app's tenant settings later.
    • Create a webhook that points to https://your-app-url/_/api/new_member.
      • Give it a secret that you remember for later
      • Select the 'user is created' event
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and check 'Check TLS...' and 'Active'
      • Hit 'Save'.